2024 Evidence Analysis Center Summer Fellowships

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation (Foundation) is seeking two doctoral students who are RDN members of the Academy to serve as their 2024 Summer Evidence Analysis Center (EAC) fellows. The fellows will work closely with the Academy’s Research, International and Scientific Affairs (RISA) EAC team and content experts in the proposed research areas.

The fellowships begin on or around May 15, 2024. 

This opportunity, available through funding from the Foundation’s Research Endowment, is a full-time, remote fellowship role for 12 weeks followed by necessary publication activities throughout fall 2024.


Interested candidates should apply online by 5:00 pm CT on Monday, March 18, 2024. Applications should include a CV, tailored personal statement highlighting relevant experience and skills that makes the candidate a good fit for the fellowship, and a letter of support from their current academic advisor.

Questions? Please visit the Foundation’s fellowship page to read the Frequently Asked Questions first. Further questions can be directed via email to Elisha Reichling, MS, RDN, LDN, Program Manager, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation at ereichling@eatright.org with the subject “EAC Fellowship.”


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has invested in developing and synthesizing evidence to support evidence-based practice since 2004. The Evidence Analysis Center (EAC) is a branch of the Academy’s Research, International, and Scientific Affairs (RISA) team, and its staff work with content advisors and expert advisory groups to conduct scoping and systematic reviews, evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines, and consensus and position papers. 

The researched topics are ones prioritized by the Council on Research and through member and staff recommendations in addition to evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines and position papers that continually need updating. The output of this work is used by the Policy Initiatives and Advocacy, Publications, Continuing Education, and Nutrition Service Coverage teams in their work. Additionally, the journal articles, guidelines, and position statements are used by educators, students, practitioners in a variety of settings, clinical nutrition managers, and grant writers and funders.

In an effort to train more RDNs in the methodology behind scoping and systematic reviews and to address topics prioritized by the Academy’s Policy Initiatives and Advocacy team, a summer EAC fellowship was created and funded by the Academy Foundation. The summer of 2021 was the inaugural year for the summer fellowship program, and two fellows worked collaboratively on systematic reviews in dyslipidemia with particular interest in adults older than 65 years of age. The process was highly successful, and the first manuscript was submitted for publication.


As part of the Foundation’s successful Fellowship program, this project will focus on conducting systematic reviews on topics that have been identified as important for both advocacy and practice. Each fellow will work on one topic.

The fellows will spend 12 weeks with EAC staff and content experts in the proposed research areas. The EAC staff will serve as methodology experts and will mentor selected RDN fellows and to complete a robust systematic review. The topic areas this year are:

  • Effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy (MNT) interventions
  • Cost-effectiveness of MNT in all conditions

Details and Responsibilities

With the support of the Academy's RISA team, the fellows will produce the following outcomes:

  • One or more manuscript(s) submitted to a nutrition science, peer-reviewed journal
  • Systematic reviews published within the Academy's Evidence Analysis Library

This fellowship work may also be leveraged to create abstracts and additional papers for publication.

Additional Position Details

  • All fellowship work will be accomplished through telecommuting methods (webinars, conference calls, etc.). Relocation is not required.
  • This is a full-time position. Applicants must be able to commit to 40 hours per week for this 12-week summer fellowship as well as occasional time throughout the fall to submit for publication.

Fellow Criteria

  • Currently enrolled as a doctoral student in a university nutrition and dietetics program.
    • Doctoral students enrolled in universities within and outside of the United States are encouraged to apply.
    • Recent graduates of doctoral programs (less than five years) may be considered.
  • Fluency in English, both written and spoken
  • Be either:
    • Currently credentialed as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) by the Commission on Dietetic Registration
    • Currently pursuing the RDN credential, evidenced by enrollment in an ACEND-accredited program leading to RDN examination eligibility

Fellow Skills

Qualified applicants are required to demonstrate experience and proficiency in the following skills:

  • R or SAS statistical analysis
  • Conducting scoping or systematic reviews

Additional desirable skills include:

  • Self-motivated
  • Ability to function at a high level
  • Strong interpersonal and team skills
  • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently

Fellowship Award

The Foundation will provide funding support for the fellowship as follows:

$15,000 Fellowship Stipend

  • The stipend is based on the standard set by other Foundation fellowships.

Additional benefits (health insurance, retirement, etc.) are not available for this position.

Apply Here