Job/position title: Director, Food & Nutrition Services
Employer: State of Michigan Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric Hospital
Current role/duties: Currently, I am the Director of Food & Nutrition Services at Walter P. Reuther Psychiatric Hospital (WRPH) in Westland, Michigan. WRPH is a 180 bed State facility for the mentally & physically ill. I am responsible for the provision of Nutrition & Food Services as well as an active member of the Hospital Management Team. We recently began the process of demolishing our existing kitchen and renovating it to better meet the needs of our patient population. I began my employment with the State of Michigan as a Clinical Dietitian at WRPH in 2009. My career path has included working as an Administrative Dietitian at Harper Hospital, a Clinical Dietitian at Annapolis Hospital, Faculty at Wayne County Community College & Michigan State University, and as a Consultant Dietitian to Nursing Homes & Behavioral Medicine Companies. I have also worked in the world of Information Technology in the development & implementation of the Electronic Medical Record for a large metropolitan Detroit hospital chain.
Cynthia Rutkowski
Does your Affiliate hold a special event fundraiser or create a presence at your annual meeting for the Foundation?
The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics is our Foundation’s fundraiser focus. There is a request on the Registration Form for donations to the Foundation as well as $5 of each registration fee is donated to the Foundation. When our Annual Spring Conference was LIVE, I also used an approach similar to our former “Dollars for Scholars” campaign.
Why was it important to you to serve as your Affiliate’s Sate Fundraising Champion?
As a Community College Educator & recipient of financial aid as an undergraduate student, I have experienced the need for financial assistance to achieve the goal of a quality education.
What are your typical duties in this volunteer role?
My role as the Michigan Academy’s Foundation Fundraising Chair is to keep the goals & needs of the Foundation ever present to my fellow members.
What is the one thing you like to tell everyone about the Foundation?
Your contribution to the Foundation h3lps to assure the future of our Dietetics profession.
Academy Foundation State Fundraising Champions serve in volunteer leadership positions within each Academy affiliate on behalf of our Foundation to help create awareness amongst its membership and raise funds to support Foundation programs. We would like to recognize Adrian for her great work and thank all of our Fundraising Champions who are committed to our Foundation.
State Fundraising Champions share Foundation news, announcement and messaging with their membership, create a Foundation presence at their affiliate’s annual meeting and encourage donations. If your affiliate still needs to fill your State Fundraising Champion position, please call Paul Slomski, Senior Foundation Chair, (312) 899-1746, or email at