Academy Foundation Blog

Casey L. Hand - 2022 Edward W. and Lena B. Winslow Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Casey L. Hand

Casey L. Hand

2022 Edward W. and Lena B. Winslow Memorial Scholarship

Completing a Concurrent Graduate Program and Dietetic Internship at Ball State University

“Receiving this scholarship from the Foundation allows me to finish my internship and master's degree without having to worry about my finances. The scholarships I have been awarded by the Foundation have truly been life changing for me.”

How did you learn about the availability of the Foundation scholarship that you received?

I have been a student Academy member since 2019 and was a student liaison for one school year. I receive and read all of the Academy emails and notifications including the Student Scoop which is how I learned about all of the scholarships offered by the Foundation.

What motivated you to apply for a Foundation Scholarship?

I am a non-traditional student and have to pay for my schooling and bills by myself. When I decided to go back to school to change career paths I knew I would have to rely on as many scholarships as possible. Over the years I have applied for every scholarship available to me. Scholarships from the Foundation have been the biggest honor to receive and have helped me the most financially.

How will the scholarship funds help support your continued success within your educational program?

I am currently completing my supervised internship while simultaneously working towards my master's degree with a thesis. I was placed at a hospital with a 2 hour commute round trip for my Food Service Management and Medical Nutrition Therapy rotations. This has been very stressful with the price of gas recently. Not being able to have a full-time job and having extra financial burdens has been stressful. Being awarded this scholarship by the Foundation will allow me to pay the majority of my tuition for the Fall 2022 semester.

What advice do you have for your colleagues about seeking out and applying for Foundation funding opportunities?

I encourage my colleagues to look for and be aware of all the resources available to dietetic students and interns, specifically from the Academy Foundation. The application process to apply for Foundation funding is extensive so I would advise to start early and put maximal effort into your responses. Putting in extra time and effort will pay of.

Scholarship and Award Application and Timeline Information

All applications and timelines for Foundation funding opportunities are made available electronically within the Foundation’s application portal. Generally, the scholarship applications are available from mid- February to mid-April, most award and grant applications are available from December to February, and fellowship opportunities are posted as they become available.

To ensure you receive all of our Foundation news and announcements, including scholarship, award and grant announcements, subscribe to our Foundation’s weekly Kids Eat Right Monday Message and Foundation News.

With Your Help, We Can Do Even More

Our Foundation is the only charitable organization dedicated exclusively to supporting nutrition and dietetics professionals by empowering them to help consumers live healthier lifestyles. Our Foundation does not receive any portion of member dues and is funded solely by donations. Please consider making a gift today to support our Make It a Million Scholarship Campaign that will help us to award one million dollars in scholarships annually to Academy members, students and dietetic interns at all levels of study.

